Special Speaker

Tara Manicsic


Tara (@tzmanics) is a life-long student, teacher and maker. She has spent her career using Javascript on both back-end and front-end to create applications. In her free time she works in her community to educate and learn from other developers. Tara launched the Cincinnati Chapter of Women Who Code and Co-Chairs the Cincinnati branch of NodeSchool. Beyond code, she likes to make things with other materials (wool, solder, clay, etc.) and hike any mountain she can get to with her trusty sidekick, #toshmagosh.


PWA All The Things!

Progressive Web Apps are not replacing native mobile applications any time soon. Don’t disregard them just yet! They can take our web applications that we build or are currently running and make them better. By using support for offline caching, push notifications, home screen icons and more, we can upgrade our app to a PWA to make it more accessible, reliable and engaging! Let's take a look at how to to create or update our Angular applications. Then we will see what this looks like & acts like on multiple platforms so we know what all of our users are experiencing.

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Other Speakers

Inspirational talks about Angular, Rxjs, NodeJS, and other modern cutting-edge technologies.