Bio Coming Soon
We will never change how tech does business until we change how we define technical. Almost every CFP in some form or another, asks the submitter whether their proposed topic is technical or non-technical. “Non-technical” content does not hold the same value in the minds and wallets of many members in our communities. This kind of content is often seen as “filler” and unnecessary to the profession. No, the content I provide to the technology community is not programming specific but my ability to internalize and articulate this content in ways that enable programmers to hone their craft and to become better members of our community IS VERY TECHNICAL. And because not everyone can do what I do, I would say that I have a very specialized set of technical skills. In our efforts to become more inclusive and diverse, we must look beyond just gender and race and critically examine the various ways our intentional and unintentional behaviors may be placing barriers to entry for others.
Inspirational talks about Angular, Rxjs, NodeJS, and other modern cutting-edge technologies.