Special Speaker

Paulina Gallo


Paulina is a kick ass software developer at Webjunto. She is an integral process for the day-to-day beyond building Webjunto’s hybrid mobile and web applications, providing insight to interns and teammates. She is always in the know and up to date on the latest updates in technology and how to apply them to Webjunto’s current projects. She enjoys the challenge of consistently opening her thought process to new avenues in order to productively search for solutions in a different way and implement those ideas. Due to her craving for creativity, hybrid technologies and Angular are not only her only technical obsession; her latest interests are native mobile development, game development, experimenting with a Raspberry Pi. You can catch her a giving talks about her love of technology, acting as an Assistant Organizer of the Ionic Philly Meetup, or working as a TA at Girl Develop It Philly and TechGirlz. When she isn’t coding, she can be found online playing games, playing with her cat Ozzy, or trying new and different types of food.

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Machine Learning & Angular Testing w/ Dozn

Imagine the thousands, millions, and billions of possible actions a user can take on your Angular application. Now; multiply that by the number of framework updates, browser releases, and every other variable that has ever caused a “working feature” to have a user yelling at you. It’s a lot for one developer, or even a whole team, to keep track of. Join us as we dive deep into how we utilized Machine Learning principles to support E2E Testing in Angular & Ionic applications. A live demo, open source examples, and as many egg puns as you can handle. After all, there are a Dozn reasons you shouldn’t let your application break :)

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Other Speakers

Inspirational talks about Angular, Rxjs, NodeJS, and other modern cutting-edge technologies.