Nathan White is a Senior Solutions Architect at NodeSource. He started his career during the 90s tech bubble working in the financial and military sectors. Looking for a change of pace, Nate road a single speed mountain bike across the country only to find himself enthralled with startup life. He discovered his passion for Node.js while working at Learnboost where he co-created mongoosejs. He spends his free time teaching within the community and escaping into the Rocky Mountains.
One of the first things you learn about Node.js best practices is that everyone has a different opinion of what the best practices are. This workshop takes an objective look at how we structure, lay out, deploy, and ship our Node.js applications. We cover common pitfalls and how to avoid them, testing and code-coverage frameworks, performance tuning, and profiling node applications. We're going to move fast, break things, and figure how why.
Learn the basics of Node.js and how you can use it to create applications and streamline your development process. We explore what Node.js is, what it is not, how asynchronous programming works, how it interacts with the operating system and much much more. We also will be diving into package management and module creation. This workshop is all about giving you the tools and mental models you need in order to be successful in Node.js.
Inspirational talks about Angular, Rxjs, NodeJS, and other modern cutting-edge technologies.